Latino + Sexuality. Simple. - get directions

Health Resources

If you are looking for health and medical services this is a good place to start. Here you will find information and links to organizations that provide referrals and/or direct services, since sexual education is important and there are sites where you can find information even about gay sexual activities which you can see at this website online. Several of these sites offer services in Spanish and other languages.

Sexual & Reproductive Health

CDC HIV/AIDS & VIH/SIDA en español

Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity & Reproductive Rights

Go Ask Alice!

National HIV Testing Resources

Planned Parenthood Federation of America & en español

Families are Talking & La Familia Habla (PDF)

Talking With Kids

Love Heals The Alison Gertz Foundation for AIDS Education

The AIDS Memorial Quilt

National Abortion Federation

Male Survivor

Plan B/Emergency Contraception/Moring After Pill & en español

Sister Song Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective

Religious Institue for Sexual Morality, Justice & Healing

GinaWeb: Salud de la mujer

Latino Commission on AIDS

National Minority AIDS Council

Coalition for Positive Sexuality & en español

National Domestic Violence Hotline & en español

African-American HIV/AIDS Resource Center & The Body en español

Latina Kama Sutra

Living Positive

Black AIDS Institute

Gay Men’s Health Crisis

Housing Works

National Association of People Living With AIDS

POZ Magazine

Us Helping Us, People Into Living

Mental Health

National Latino Behavioral Health Association

National Institute of Mental Health & Publicaciones en español

National Alliance on Mental Illness & en español

Office of Minority Health & en español

Physical Health

!A Tu Salud!

Black Doctor

Black Women’s Health

The Body & The Body en español

CDC National Prevention Information Network & en español

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

National Alliance for Hispanic Health

Migrant Health Promotion

National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse

National Latina Health Network

Tamika & Friends, Inc. (HPV Education)

My Health Tracker (FREE way to manage your health stats)


Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)

Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS)

Scenarios USA

National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence

Catholics for Choice

Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice

The Dream Act

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, Asexual, et. al.

Ambiente Joven

GLBT National Youth Talking

Oasis Magazine

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbian and Gays (PFLAG) en español

Gay Immigration formerly Lesbian Gay Immigration Rights Task Force & en español

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

Lambda Legal & en español

Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Genderqueer, Trans*, etc.

Survivor Project: Intersex & Trans Basics

Dimensions Health Clinic (San Francisco)


Gender Spectrum Family Conference & en español

Healthcare Guide for Trans Men

Intersex Society of North America & en español

Kindred Spirit

PFLAG Transgender Network


Transgender, Gender Variant & Intersex Justice Project

TransKids Purple Rainbow Foundation

Transsexual Women’s Successes  (multiple translations available español y portugesa)

TS Road Map (specifically for trans women)

US & Canada Provinces Changing Birth Certificate Information

Youth Friendly Services

Advocates for Youth

National Child Abuse Hotline


Sex Etc.

The Men’s Story Project (multiple languages translated)

Get Yourself Tested (GYT)

Policy & Activism Organizations

Guttmacher Institute

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

UCSF Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health

Center for Reproductive Rights & en español

Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Child Welfare League of America (CWLA)

National CASA

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